Your Capital Raising Doesn’t Actually Have to Suck!

Capital Raising Doesn’t Actually Have to Suck! | The Kitti Sisters - 1

EP244: Your Capital Raising Doesn’t Actually Have to Suck!



We’ve got something for you today that will change your whole apartment investing experience. 🤩

Why? Because we know what it feels like to be doing the MOST and still not see the results you want. 

Been there. Done that. Never going back. 

Here’s the big secret we can’t wait to share…

By following the right steps (which we’re about to share), you can find lasting investment success with muuuuch less effort and stress!

By all means, have you ever tried to bake a new recipe and realized that the instructions were totally confusing?

Apartment investing can feel similar until you find the recipe that makes sense.  

That’s why we’re sharing our very own recipe for success!

Today you’ll learn how to make every step of the investment process – from finding deals to raising capital – so much simpler! 👏

Here’s to making apartment investing simple with the right recipe for success. 🥂

Palmy ➕ Nancy

The Kitti Sisters


  • Learn how to turn your 🏢 apartment investing efforts from a grueling challenge into a smooth and successful journey.
  • Discover the secrets to mastering capital raising, closing deals effortlessly, and maintaining a smile while walking on sunshine, all by leveraging proven systems and strategic planning. 😌😌

Do you get sweaty palms and pits just thinking about capital raising?  You’re not alone, but we can promise you, that it absolutely does NOT have to feel that way!

We know you’ve seen other people crushing the apartment investing game 🏢, and wondered how in the heck they make it look like a walk in the park, while it feels like you’re climbing Mount Everest in flip flops. 

Who wouldn’t want to get the secret recipe to turning the investment struggle bus into a smooth ride?

We’re talking about closing deals left and right, raising money like a pro, and walking on sunshine with a smile on your face. 

It is possible, friend, and we’re about to show you exactly how it’s done! Making apartment investing simple isn’t about luck or magic. 🪄

It’s about understanding the rules of the game and using them to your advantage. 

Those happy-go-lucky investors you’ve seen living their best lives and basking in passive income and big returns? They’ve mastered the repeatable systems and processes that make investing a breeze. 

And guess what? After this episode, you’ll have all the tools to do the same! Let’s get into it. ⏬

Nothing sounds better than a delicious, made-from-scratch red velvet cake, right?

Now that your mouth is watering, this does have to do with apartment investing… we promise. 💋

You see, any avid baker knows that leaving out an important ingredient, like flour, will leave you with a disaster, not a cake. 

When you get all the ingredients right and in the right proportions, though, you feel like a master baker, like even winning the Great British Bake Off would be, well, a piece of cake for you. 😏😏

That’s what it feels like when you know all the ingredients and steps to successful apartment investing too!

Without following the right recipe, you might feel lost.

But once you master the process, you can repeat it again and again, with confidence and clarity that you’ll get the results you’re after. 

Want to know what the 3 main ingredients are for successful apartment investing? 

➡️ Deal finding, operations, and capital raising. 

You might be thinking that sounds overly simple, right? But of course, each of these key ingredients can be a lot of work on their own, without the right strategies to go along with them. 

So, let’s break these down today, making every part of the apartment investing process simple, clear, and easy to repeat every single time. 

First of all, having the right perspective is everything.

Just look at any pro athlete out there. They might make their chosen sport look simple, but that’s not just because of experience and skills.

They also know how to stay two steps ahead of everyone else by being more proactive than reactive. 

It’s no different for apartment investors.

Being able to prepare and have a solid plan in place will help you navigate any twists and turns that come your way.

Simply reacting to curve balls won’t get you as far as knowing what needs to happen to hit the ball out of the park, before the pitch is even thrown. 

Investors who make it look easy?

We can guarantee they’ve put in the preparation to stay ahead of the game, just like you’re doing now!

So, let’s keep going… 🤓🤓

A big part of your preparation should include setting up your systems in a way that flows seamlessly.

Have you ever seen the satisfying sight of a perfectly placed domino design falling, one tile at a time?

By just tapping the first domino, the rest fall in line without any extra effort on your part.

You just get to sit back and watch them do their thing. 

Well, setting up your syndication business systems should have the same effect.

Everything should easily flow together – from raising capital to closing investment deals. 

We used to live in absolute chaos, until we figured out that the right systems could change everything.

When we created a system that manages all of the moving parts of our business – things like emails, social posts, webinar decks, and even subscription docs – it felt like a Cinderella transformation.

The mess disappeared, our stress evaporated, and we turned into the bells of the ball.

Of course, in our story, midnight never chimes and the effects of our smooth-operating systems never expire. 

The clarity and ease continues through every investment deal we take on.

Want to know how we turned unorganized chaos into a well-oiled machine?

Big shoutout to our favorite project management tool – – our powerhouse task tracker that we leveraged into a game-changing secret weapon. 

Ever since we implemented this awesome task management software, things slipping through the cracks are a problem of the past!

Now, every task is locked down tighter than Alcatraz, and our team can pass off to-do list items smoother than the Jamaican Relay Team.

It’s a beautiful sight, but more importantly?

Everything is prepped ahead of time and we feel confident that all our dominoes will line up perfectly, every single time. 

Our systems help us craft assets way in advance. So that dreaded launch day panic?

Never heard of her. 🤩🤩

We’re no longer just trying to keep up with the game… we’re setting the entire pace. 

You know what the best part is?

After our automated system guides us through capital raising success for one investment deal, we can completely duplicate the process for the next time, just with some very minor tweaks.

Reinventing the wheel for every single investment deal is not the way to reach your financial goals.

In fact, you’d probably find yourself totally exhausted after just a few tries. But by following a proven process that works, you can ease stress, free up time, and feel confident in your capital raising results. 

Do you think Patrick Mahomes ever doubted he’d be celebrating a Superbowl win this year?

Not a chance‼️

He put in the preparation, knew the playbook like the back of his hand, and trusted in the teamwork and abilities of his teammates. 

The real reason why the Kitti Sisters team sees each apartment investing deal as a leisurely stroll instead of a treacherous hike is because of where we put our focus.

Most investors have it backwards – thinking and stressing about the capital raising launch, while forgetting it’s the promotion that matters most. 

Would you open a restaurant without shouting about it from the rooftops, or put on a concert without advertising all about who’s playing or where and when it is? Of course not.

No one’s going to show up to a restaurant they haven’t heard of, and there’s no way you’re selling tickets to a concert with no hype. 

Well, making sure your capital raising launch is a success means you have to make some noise about it.

Get the word out, attract a crowd, and share the news as much as you can.

But remember, it’s not just about telling people what the deal is, but about showing them what it can do for their financial future. ✨

Get people excited by making it appeal to their goals and needs.

They’ll end up running to you instead of you having to chase anyone down. 

We had a friend who needed to raise money for a startup business, and made the mistake of waiting to fundraise until the launch.

Sadly, there were crickets when it came time to ask for money. 

But don’t worry, since then, our friend has shifted his focus and taken on our approach to capital raising, which means the next time he wanted to raise money, he already had lines around the block to get involved before his launch even happened! 

And because we’re very proud of him, we have to add that he’s doing extremely well now, and actually loves the process of raising money, while helping others find success too. 😵😵

Remember, people want to get involved with a business that has a proven track record, and is run by people who are trustworthy, confident, and fun to work with. 

We don’t wait until a launch is coming up to make sure all of that is known.

Even between deals, our 24/7 system is working on our behalf to show investors what it’s like to work with us, and why they should stick around for the next big opportunity we offer. 

We also never ever stop learning and growing.

Having the right systems in place takes a ton of stress off our plates, but it also frees up time and energy to invest in expanding our knowledge through things like seminars, masterminds, and podcasts, while we continue growing our community, seeking out mentors, and nurturing our team. 

Success is not a solo sport.

But if you think about it, is anything really a solo sport? Even golfers need the help of coaches, caddies, mentors, and people cheering them on, right? 

Don’t try to take all this on yourself.

Collaboration and networking will take you much further than flying solo. Plus, it makes the journey a heck of a lot more fun! 

So, just to recap, how do other investors make apartment investing look easy when it feels like a daily grind for you? They’ve simply cracked the code.

They stay ahead of the game with a proactive mindset, they systemize everything, they focus on spreading the word before a capital raising launch, and they never ever stop learning or valuing collaboration. 

There you have it! The secret steps to mixing together your apartment investing ingredients like a pro.

By following this approach, you’ll find ease and confidence in every part of the process. Finding deals, navigating operations, and capital raising is all about to become simpler than ever. 

Now that you’re in the know, enjoy the ride and let the wealth-building journey begin! 

For more apartment investing tips, check out this video 🎥 on how to make money in real estate (using other people’s money)! 

According to the latest report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Producer Price Index (PPI) for building materials used in home construction (not including food and energy) has increased for the fifth month in a row.

fascinating stats

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We're Palmy ➕ Nancy Kitti 〰️ The Kitti Sisters

A sister duo team obsessed with all things financial freedom, passive income, and apartment investing + apartment syndication, who turned a $2,000 bank account into a nine-figure empire.  Now, we're sharing with you the behind-the-scenes secrets of our wealth building strategy.

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