Making money? That’s the easy part! Keeping it for generations? That’s where most people fail. 70% of wealth is lost by the 2nd generation. By the 3rd, it’s like the money never existed. Join our FREE community and learn how to make your wealth last beyond you!
hello there...
We’re apartment syndication experts, entrepreneurs, real estate investors, fur auntie + fur mama, philanthropists, and unshackled optimists who are dedicated to helping others savvy souls...
DITCH the 9–5 and live the most vibrant life possible! We’re sisters and first-generation immigrants...
who've witnessed the hardships of working towards financial freedom.
As children, we watched our parents struggle with long hours of working.
When we grew up, we worked VERY HARD to justify their sacrifices and to avoid the situation we found ourselves in when we first moved to this country:
financial security
We’ve been through it all. Long hours, increasing demands & responsibilities, and full-on BURN OUT…
Oh... how WE WISH we’d known then what we're going to share with
you NOW!
Don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate
and wait.
-will rogers
Our dedication paid off. By 2010, we were successful fashion manufacturers. We were doing quite well — really well, in fact.
We were reliant on one income stream, however, with no safety net. It would only take one unpredictable event for it to all come crashing down…
In 2017, our biggest client announced they were CLOSING all their stores. And... just like that our income dried up.
And we had no backup plan. It was at that moment we realized our sense of security was an ILLUSION. We were trading time for money and without any demand our business became obsolete overnight.
We had to act. Fast.
This was our turning point.
We immersed ourselves in a WHOLE NEW WORLD through apartment syndication to free ourselves from "the daily grind" and to give us stability, reliability, and scalability in our next venture.
This allows us unlimited freedom to travel and (finally!) explore our dreams.
And since beginning this journey, we've never had to put our lives on hold... or worse... AT RISK based on unpredictable events, outside of our control, ever again!
If You Don't Find a Way to Make Money While You Sleep,
You will work until you die
- warren buffet
Being Rich is Having Money...
Being wealthy is having time
- Margaret Bonnano
You Should Probably Know
boba> peonies, every time. just us?
a little obsessed with all things pancakes...
happiest by the pool +on the floaty.
we are all in on good investment opportunities...
A sister duo team obsessed with all things financial freedom, passive income, and apartment investing + apartment syndication, who turned a $2,000 bank account into a nine-figure empire. Now, we're sharing with you the behind-the-scenes secrets of our wealth building strategy.