If We Could Turn Back Time…

If We Could Turn Back Time… | The Kitti Sisters - 1

148: If We Could Turn Back Time…


Have you ever heard of a scientific phenomenon called time dilation? ⏳ It’s where two people experience time differently due to differences in their motion or gravity. This idea comes from the work of Albert Einstein and is part of his theories of special and general relativity. 

We are big Pixar fans, and if you’ve seen Pixar’s latest animation Lightyear, you might have noticed this concept in action. Remember how Buzz Lightyear was flying through space and trying to rescue his friends who were stuck on a planet? Well, while he was traveling at high speeds, time passed much slower for him than it did for his friends on the planet. It’s a pretty mind-bending idea!

Why Should You Care? 🤷🏻‍♀️

This got us thinking – have you ever considered how this concept might relate to socio-economic classes? It’s an interesting idea to ponder, right?

Speaking of time, have you seen the movie “In Time”?

It’s a sci-fi thriller from 2011 with Justin Timberlake, and Olivia Wilde that takes place in a future where people stop aging at 25, but time has become the currency to control overpopulation.

So, if you wanted something as simple as a cup of coffee ☕, you’d have to trade in minutes of your life. We don’t know about you guys, but we love our coffee and that sounds pretty bleak.

It’s a pretty wild concept, and the movie dives into some interesting themes like wealth inequality, the value of time, and how a society where life expectancy is tied to wealth would work. In the movie, the rich and the poor have vastly different experiences when it comes to their remaining time.

The people in the ghetto, who are mostly poor, have to work long hours at low-paying jobs just to stay alive.

And even then, they’re constantly living on the edge because their time is always running out. ⌛ It’s pretty intense stuff! 

The Tortoise and the Hare

In the movie, ⏰ time is money 💰, and everyone’s time left to live is literally counting down on their arm! In this dystopian future, being rich means living forever, and being poor means fighting to survive every day. And let us tell you, the conditions in the ghetto are no joke.

People are forced to make tough choices just to stay alive. 

Can you imagine having to give up precious minutes of your life just to buy a cup of coffee or a sandwich? And it’s not just coffee and sandwiches – even very basic necessities like shelter come at a high cost. 😟😟

They’re trapped in this cycle of trying to survive every day, with no real opportunity to plan for the future or improve their situation. It’s like they’re stuck in a never-ending game of “catch-up,” and it’s just not fair.

But what’s even crazier is how the wealthy live.

They have all the time in the world, and they live in these super fancy neighborhoods where everything is just handed to them.

They have the best healthcare, education, and opportunities that money can buy.

And the worst part?

They hoard their time, using it to maintain their power and control over others. It’s no wonder that the gap between the rich and poor is so huge in this world. The poor are just trying to survive, while the rich are living it up, and it’s creating a vicious cycle that’s almost impossible to break.  😢😢

While the concept of time in the movie is not exactly the same thing as time dilation in physics, it does show how different people can perceive the value of time differently. In the wealthy districts, people have all the time in the world!

They can take their time doing anything they want – whether that’s sipping on a latte or taking a stroll through the park. 🌳

They don’t have to worry about their time running out, so they can live life at a much more leisurely pace. It’s like they’re living in a whole different world! 

In the lower time zones, it’s a whole different story. People there are living life in the fast lane, but not by choice. They’re always running around, trying to make every second count, and it’s not because they’re adrenaline junkies.

It’s because they have to constantly hustle to add more time to their lives.

There’s no time for leisurely walks or lazy days in the park.

➡️ It’s all work, work, work, all day, every day.

They’re in a constant race against time, trying to stay alive and stay ahead of the game. It’s like they’re living in a perpetual state of stress and anxiety, which can make it feel like time is just flying by. 😩😩

It’s like a real-life version of “The Tortoise and the Hare” but with time as the ultimate prize.

The rich and wealthy, living in the higher time zones, are the laid-back tortoises, taking their time and enjoying the luxuries that life has to offer. Meanwhile, the poor in the lower time zones are the frantic hares, racing against the clock to earn every precious second they can.

It’s a powerful commentary on how wealth inequality affects every aspect of our lives, including our perception of time.

The rich can afford to take time for granted, while the poor are forced to constantly worry about how much time they have left. It’s a reminder that time is a valuable resource, and for many people, it’s a luxury that they can’t afford. ✨✨

Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Unfortunately, there are parallels between the movie “In Time” and our society today, especially when it comes to the concept of living paycheck to paycheck and being stuck in a cycle of focusing on short-term needs. 

It’s like the saying goes, “the poor get poorer, and the rich get richer.”

Those who are wealthy have the luxury of not having to worry about their basic needs being met and can focus on their long-term goals and aspirations.

Meanwhile, those who are struggling to make ends meet often don’t have the luxury of thinking beyond their next paycheck. 😳😳

It’s a tough cycle to break, and it’s something that we as a society need to work towards addressing.

It’s important for people to realize that they have the power to shape their own future, even in the face of difficult circumstances (this includes you!).

Setting long-term goals can help give direction and purpose to one’s life, and can motivate them to work towards a better future.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day grind that we forget to lift our heads up and see the bigger picture.

It’s important to take a step back and ask ourselves what we really want in life, and where we want to be in the future. 

By doing this, we can start to set goals and work towards achieving them, rather than just going through the motions of daily life.

Plus, having a clear vision for the future can give us a sense of purpose and motivation, which can be incredibly empowering!

Steps to Break Free

Let’s talk about how you can shift your focus from short-term goals to a more extensive vision. It’s not always easy, but with a little bit of reflection and planning, you can start working towards achieving your long-term aspirations!

First things first, take some time to reflect on your values and passions.

Think about what truly matters to you and what brings you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. This will help you identify long-term goals that are genuinely meaningful and aligned with your values.

Take Beyoncé 💃🏻 for example – she has often spoken about how she identified her passion for music and performing at a young age and how she used this as a foundation to build her career.

She also talks about the importance of staying true to her values and beliefs, such as feminism and the empowerment of women, in her music and performances.

By reflecting on her values and passions, Beyoncé was able to set long-term goals that were aligned with her sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

Next, set clear and realistic long-term goals. Break down your vision into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This will give you a clear roadmap for achieving your vision and help you stay focused on the bigger picture. 😇😇

We love how Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson did just that through his journey to becoming a successful actor and producer. 🎥

Early on in his career, The Rock had a clear vision of where he wanted to be in the entertainment industry and set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals to get there. He broke down his vision into smaller, achievable goals such as building his brand through wrestling, transitioning into acting, and producing his own content.

By setting these SMART goals, The Rock was able to create a clear roadmap for himself and stay focused on the bigger picture.

He worked tirelessly to achieve these goals, consistently improving his skills and taking on challenging roles that pushed him out of his comfort zone.

Through hard work, determination, and a strategic approach to goal-setting, The Rock has become one of the most successful and beloved actors in Hollywood. His journey serves as a powerful example of the importance of setting clear and achievable goals using the SMART criteria to achieve long-term success.

Keep in mind too that it’s also helpful to break down your long-term goals into smaller, actionable steps.

This way, you can make steady progress toward your long-term goals while still maintaining a focus on the bigger picture. 🤟❤️

Last, but not least, stay persistent and resilient.

Achieving long-term goals often requires overcoming obstacles and setbacks. Stay committed to your vision and be prepared to adapt your approach when necessary.

By focusing on your long-term goals and creating a clear vision for your future, you can slow down time and open up new pathways and opportunities that may have been overlooked while focusing solely on short-term objectives. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning for your bright and exciting future! 😘😉



The Kitti Freedom Club


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We're Palmy ➕ Nancy Kitti 〰️ The Kitti Sisters

A sister duo team obsessed with all things financial freedom, passive income, and apartment investing + apartment syndication, who turned a $2,000 bank account into a nine-figure empire.  Now, we're sharing with you the behind-the-scenes secrets of our wealth building strategy.

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