How to Make A Lot of Money For Beginners (Starting With $100)

How to Make A Lot of Money For Beginners (Starting With $100) | The Kitti Sisters - 1

EP253: How to Make A Lot of Money For Beginners (Starting With $100)


Heyyy there!!

Let’s say you’ve got a crisp $100 bill burning a hole in your pocket right now. 💵

You could just go ahead and buy something, sure. 

Buttt let’s think long-term here. 

How would you spend that money in a way that makes you MORE money? 🤔

We’re breaking down your best beginning investment options for multiplying money here! ⏬

Everyone starts somewhere right? 

$100 might not seem like a giant investment, but trust us when we say it CAN make a difference! 

The smart investment decisions you make today will definitely pay off tomorrow. 

Okay maybe not literally tomorrow, but it will be quick. 😉

See, we’re all about setting up healthy habits around money, and what we’re sharing now could propel you towards seriously life-changing returns down the road. 

So, let’s chat about how to put your $100 to work in the best, low-risk, high-reward ways available! 🙌

Don’t just leave your money in a bank to collect dust okay? 

These smaller decisions add up over time – they did for us and they can for you!

Start making investment choices now that will lead you to the life of your dreams. 🤩

Here’s to making smarter moves to multiply your money. 🥂

Palmy ➕ Nancy

The Kitti Sisters


  • Unlock the secret to transforming 💵 $100 into $1,000, $10,000, or even $100,000! Dive into our step-by-step guide, inspired by our journey from holding a $100 bill to becoming multi-millionaires within 5-1/2 years.
  • We’ll also reveal how you can potentially turn that $100 into a million dollars and beyond. 🤩🤩

Have you ever wondered what it would take to turn 100 dollars [production note: holding up a hundred-dollar bill] into $1,000, $10,000, or $100,000?

Today, we’re going to break down the steps that took us from holding a simple $100 in our own hands to becoming a multi-millionaire, growing our wealth by more than 10X in a mere 5 years.

And if you stick with us until the end, we’ll also review how that $100 can turn into a million dollars and beyond.

Now, one thing to be clear, we are not saying that getting rich is easy, however, it can be simple, and there’s a big difference. More on that later. 

Here’s the deal—we know everyone’s got their level of comfort with risk, so we’re breaking it down from the basics, starting with just $100. We’re going to ramp up the stakes as we roll, and remember this: higher risk brings the chance for higher rewards. Ready to see how far $100 can take you? Let’s dive in.

Alright, let’s get into something that might raise a few eyebrows, especially coming from us, the Kitti Sisters! We’re usually the first to say that piling all your cash in a regular bank account isn’t our style. Why? Well, banks can fail—remember those headlines? Plus, leaving your money in a standard account can mean missing out on making more money. But hang on, there’s an exception to every rule, right?

Enter the high-interest savings account. Think of it as the McRib of banking—it’s not always on the menu, but when it is, everyone’s racing to get a piece. And guess what? Right now, we’re in a sweet spot to benefit from these juicier rates. We’re not just talking about theory here; we’ve actively put our money where our mouth is. 

In some of our big real estate projects, we stash away cash in short-term CDs, snagging a cool 4.5% interest for our business funds and when these accounts have millions of dollars in them, at 4.5%, that’s not a bad gig for not doing any extra work, except talking to our banker. 

If you’ve got to park your cash, you might as well make it work for you, right? Instead of letting it get nibbled away by inflation, let’s turn it into more!

So, about that $100 burning a hole in your pocket: Look into a CD, high-yield savings, or even a money market account where your money can do some heavy lifting. Now, we’ve talked about bank failure risks, and yes, they’re a real thing. 

But there are smart ways to play it “safer”: Keep individual bank deposits under the $250,000 FDIC insured limit, stick with the big names like Chase or Bank of America– the too-big-to-fail institutions, and use this account as your emergency stash. While this can be considered an emergency fund stash, do not risk the temptation of pulling it out for gas or your next McRib as that can kill any hope of it growing.

HISA is all about low risk and easy access here, not chasing the highest returns. Think of it as a safe base where your money isn’t just sitting around—it’s slowly growing!

Next up, let’s talk about gold – the trusty jumper cables of the investment world!  Gold is making a big comeback as a safe haven asset, and why not? It’s like the Swiss Army knife in the world of metals – used in everything from your smartphones to dental fillings and even spacecraft, thanks to its malleability and resistance to corrosion.

However, investing in gold is a bit like a slow-cooked meal; it’s about patience. Despite a recent uptick in prices, don’t expect to turn into a billionaire overnight with just a tiny investment. But, it’s a solid player for hedging, especially against the US dollar, which, let’s face it, isn’t what it used to be.

Over the last century, the dollar has lost about 95% of its value – imagine, what once bought 30 Hershey bars now barely gets you one!

Here’s how gold has shined over the same period: From a humble $20 per ounce to a dazzling $2,373.20! That’s a lot of chocolate bars if you think about it.

So, why should your $100 go towards gold? Here are a few glittering reasons:

Inflation Hedge: Gold is the tortoise in the race, steadily maintaining its value through inflationary times.

Safe Haven: During economic or global uncertainties, gold is where people flock to, helping stabilize your portfolio.

Diversification: It dances to its own tune, not syncing with the stock market or bonds, which reduces your risk.

Tangible Asset: It’s something you can hold, not just numbers on a screen, giving that feeling of real, solid value. And has real uses in all sorts of products. And here we are talking about physical gold, not ETFs.

Universally Valued: Like a smile is a smile anywhere in the world, except maybe France, we kid, we love you Frenchies! No matter where you go, gold is gold. It’s the universal language of value.

Potential for Returns: Not usually the main act for quick profits, but it can deliver solid performances, especially when demand spikes.

And about liquidity: It’s like that time when King Louis XVI, trying to sneak out of France with Marie Antoinette, used a big fat coin at a pit stop. Wrong move! It screamed, “Royalty on the run!” and led to their capture. While you can sell gold quickly, don’t try using a gold bar to buy your groceries; it’s not exactly pocket change.

Remember, the risk of investing in gold is pretty low, about a 2 out of 10. The real risk lies in what else you could do with that money for potentially higher returns.

Next up are collectibles, diving into collectibles is like cracking open a treasure chest—every piece has its own story, and some are worth a whole lot more than you’d think! Think of collectibles as the vinyl records of the investment world; they’re not just things, they’re memories, culture, and sometimes, a hefty paycheck if you know what you’re collecting. 

Whether it’s rare comics, vintage wine, or those Pokémon cards everyone thought were just for kids, collectibles can skyrocket in value. The trick? Knowing what’s going to be hot before everyone else does. 

Just remember, while the potential for returns can make your head spin, it’s also super volatile. One day you’re holding the next auction star, the next it’s just a common Pikachu card. [Show a common Pikachu card] 

Risk Level: 7 out of 10—volatile and highly dependent on market trends and collector interest.

And now the stock market.  Jumping into individual stocks is like strapping into a roller coaster where you control the tracks. High risk, high reward, and definitely not for the faint-hearted. Picking the right stock is part art, part science, a whole lot of gut-checking, and sometimes just throwing spaghetti on a wall kind of deal. Imagine buying a slice of a company you believe in and watching it grow—or plummet. 

The key here is to do your homework, keep your nerves, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll buy the next big winner that turns your $100 into a whole lot more. But beware, the ride can get bumpy, and it’s not just about picking winners, but knowing when to step off the ride. 

Risk Level: 8 out of 10—very high due to market volatility and the potential for significant losses.

Next up is cryptocurrency.  Until recent years, I would have thought it was money from the dead.  Crypto is the Wild West of the digital age—a frontier of highs and lows where fortunes can be made or lost with the click of a button.

Think of it as surfing: catch the right wave, and you’re in for the ride of your life; miss it, and you might just wipe out. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the gang are not for the cautious investor, but if you’re looking for adrenaline-packed potential and you’re savvy with technology, this could be your playground. Just strap in, because this market never sleeps, and it’s as unpredictable as a stormy sea. Today your $100 can turn into $100,000, but the next day it can also plummet to $.10.  This is an enter at your risk zone!

Risk Level: 10 out of 10—extremely high due to immense market fluctuations and speculative nature.

The Lottery Ticket: The Dreamer’s Gamble

Ah, the lottery ticket. It’s like buying a ticket to dream big for just a few bucks. The chances of winning big are slim—really slim—but it’s the thrill of “what if” that keeps us coming back. It’s not investing, it’s hoping; but hey, who says you can’t have a little fun? Just don’t bet the farm on it. 

Think of it as the dessert of your investment meal—sweet and exciting, but not really nutritious. If you do strike it lucky, it could be life-changing, but as a wise gambler once said, “Don’t bet more than you can afford to lose.” 

The lottery is often jokingly referred to as a “tax on the poor and the hapless,” especially since it’s the folks scratching by who tend to buy the most tickets. Think of it this way: if the dream of a mega-jackpot is a slice of pie in the sky, the hard truth is that it’s mostly people who can least afford another slice off their plate who keep buying in.

Americans throw down quite a bit of cash on lottery tickets, with some households shelling out hundreds of dollars each year. In 2021, Americans spent $105.26 billion on lottery tickets, making it the most popular form of gambling.

That’s money that could be padding a savings account or funding a much-needed vacation. Essentially, playing the lottery regularly is like tossing your wallet into a black hole and hoping it’ll come back stuffed with cash—spoiler alert: it won’t.

And let’s talk odds for a second. Winning the lottery is less likely than getting struck by lightning while chillin’ on the wing of an airplane—in mid-crash.

So, for those who cringe at the thought of wasting cash or paying extra taxes, skipping the lottery booth might be your smartest gamble yet. Instead of playing a game that’s rigged against you, why not save or invest that dough? Your future self will thank you, and hey, at least you won’t need to avoid open fields during thunderstorms.

Risk Level: 10 out of 10—the highest risk, with very low chances of return.

Alright, as promised let’s dive into the magic of turning a simple $100 into a million bucks or more. You heard us right at the beginning: getting rich quickly isn’t easy, but it is simple. So, what does that mean?

Let us break it down. The world has fed us this big lie that to make serious money, you need to work your tail off. There’s this crazy belief that your earnings are directly tied to how hard you sweat. That’s a trap! It sets up this false narrative where you think just pushing harder and longer will pad your bank account. But that’s far from the truth.

Here’s the reality check: In today’s digital playground, some folks are making millions just by streaming themselves playing video games, unboxing toys, or eating their breakfast. No heavy lifting, just pure creativity and understanding of the game. That’s why we say, getting rich isn’t just hard work; it’s about playing smart.

Now, how do you turn that $100 into $1 million? It’s about leveraging what you’ve got. Let us share a personal story. We used a little less than $100 to buy tickets to a real estate seminar, not just any seminar, but one that opened our eyes to the powerhouse of real estate investment. 

This wasn’t about sinking cash into stocks or crypto; it was investing in knowledge that has intrinsic value and grows over time.  So from the $100, it led us to our multifamily apartment business that today generates millions of dollars.  

Skipping that initial webinar would have cost us millions. Not just money left on the table, but the chance to build something massive. So when you’re staring down a small investment in your education, your growth, your future—think, it’s not a cost of you buying it, but what is the cost if you didn’t do it that matters. Let that sink in.

Now that you get $100 to multiply, go watch this video to we turned $0 to $300 million in 5 years.

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We're Palmy ➕ Nancy Kitti 〰️ The Kitti Sisters

A sister duo team obsessed with all things financial freedom, passive income, and apartment investing + apartment syndication, who turned a $2,000 bank account into a nine-figure empire.  Now, we're sharing with you the behind-the-scenes secrets of our wealth building strategy.

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