Why “Beeing” Selfish is Actually Good For the World

Why “Beeing” Selfish is Actually Good For the World | The Kitti Sisters

153: Why “Beeing” Selfish is Actually Good For the World


Money is the root of all evils.  👿

Money corrupts people. 👀

Money can’t buy happiness. 😫

Have you heard any of these phrases before? Here’s the thing: those who use them probably haven’t had the chance to experience real wealth themselves. And have you ever stopped to think about where these phrases actually came from?

Let’s dive into a quick little background on these phrases. They’ve been around forever and people usually credit them to different sources. But did you know that the first phrase “money is the root of all evils” actually comes from the Bible? 📖

➡️ It’s in 1 Timothy 6:10 and it says “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils.

It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

Pretty intense stuff, right?

Whether or not you’re religious, that’s a pretty heavy warning about the dangers of greed.

The second phrase, “Money corrupts people,” has also been around for centuries and is often used to describe the negative influence that wealth can have on a person’s morals and values. The idea more or less is that while money 💰 itself is not inherently evil, the pursuit of it can sometimes lead people to make unethical choices and compromise their integrity.

We aren’t saying we agree with this – we will leave that debate up to you.

Let’s discuss the third phrase next: “Money can’t buy happiness.” You’ve probably heard this one a million times, right? It’s basically saying that having a lot of money doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to be happy and fulfilled.

This idea has been explored in all sorts of literature, from classic authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Charles Dickens to modern-day writers too.

Basically, the idea is that true happiness comes from things that aren’t material – like relationships, experiences, and personal growth. It’s a pretty common theme in a lot of different philosophies and spiritual traditions. ✨✨

So, why do we think that beeing (B-E-E-I-N-G) 🐝 selfish is actually good for the world? We can’t wait to tell you. Let’s get into it.

What is Selfish?

How much money do you want to make?

Some people might say they just want enough to be comfortable, but we’re here to say that’s a bit selfish. If you really want to make a difference in the world and help others, you need to have an abundance of money.

Having more money gives you more opportunities to make a positive impact in the world.

Some people might argue that it’s selfish to want more money and that you should be sacrificing your own well-being to help others. But honestly, that’s just not sustainable. If you’re not taking care of yourself and your own needs, you’re going to get burnt out and resentful.

And that’s not going to help anyone in the long run. 😦😦

So, don’t be afraid to strive for financial success. It’s not enough to just care about making a difference – you need to have the capacity to actually do something about it. And having more money can help you achieve just that.

Comfortable is not Enough

Not only that, but just being comfortable doesn’t exactly give you a lot of wiggle room when life throws you a curveball. What if your car breaks down, or your pet needs an expensive surgery, or your mom needs help with some medical bills?🧾

Suddenly, “just enough” isn’t enough at all.

By aiming for financial freedom, you’re not only securing your own well-being, but you’re also giving yourself the ability to help others when they need it most.

Think about it – when you have more than enough money to cover your own expenses, you’re not constantly worrying about how you’re going to make ends meet.

Instead, you can focus on the people and causes that matter to you. 😊😊

You can offer a helping hand to a friend who’s going through a tough time, or make a donation to a charity that’s making a real difference in the world.

Being financially secure doesn’t just benefit you – it benefits everyone around you.

The Birds and the Bees

Isn’t it fascinating how bees 🐝, with their innate desire for honey, inadvertently contribute to the world’s food supply?

It’s like the universe’s way of balancing out self-interest with the greater good.

This concept reminds me of perturbation theory, which is a mathematical tool used to study small changes in a system.

In essence, it’s the idea that a small disturbance or perturbation can cause a ripple effect that has significant impacts on the entire system.

In the case of bees, their “selfish” desire for honey creates a small disturbance in the ecosystem, but the ripple effect is enormous. Their actions lead to the cross-pollination of plants, which in turn leads to the production of food for animals and humans.

It’s like a small perturbation that has a huge impact on the entire system.

It’s really just a beautiful reminder that sometimes our self-interest and the greater good can align, and we can unintentionally contribute to something much larger than ourselves. 😇😇

Living in Abundance

Just like how bees 🐝 are important for cross-pollination, people can also have a significant impact on the world when they have the means to do so.

Making an abundance of money can allow individuals to create positive change in many ways, like donating to charities or investing in socially responsible businesses.

But some people feel like pursuing wealth is selfish or greedy, which can be limiting. Embracing a self-serving approach to wealth creation can actually increase an individual’s ability to make a meaningful impact on the world.

Think of it like bees collecting nectar from flowers to produce honey.

Similarly, individuals can use their skills and resources to generate wealth and create value for others. The more wealth an individual can accumulate, the greater their ability to make a positive impact on the world. 🌎

So let’s not feel guilty about wanting to make more money.

Just like bees, our self-serving approach can actually help feed the entire world.

Remember that the way we approach money and wealth creation is a personal choice, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach that works for everyone.

So you do you, go make that money, and stop feeling so dang guilty about it!

We hope you enjoyed this introspective look at money and also gained some valuable insights along the way.

We love ❤️ hearing from you, so feel free to reach out to us anytime with your thoughts and feedback.

Stay tuned for more episodes and don’t forget to subscribe to never miss an update! 🙌🏻



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We're Palmy ➕ Nancy Kitti 〰️ The Kitti Sisters

A sister duo team obsessed with all things financial freedom, passive income, and apartment investing + apartment syndication, who turned a $2,000 bank account into a nine-figure empire.  Now, we're sharing with you the behind-the-scenes secrets of our wealth building strategy.

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