If You Want to Become a Millionaire Do This

If You Want to Become a Millionaire Do This | The Kitti Sisters - 1

EP254: If You Want to Become a Millionaire Do This


Do you want to be a millionaire??

Most people would say, “Ummm, YES PLEASE!” but don’t actually make the moves that millionaires would make. 

Those people tend to get stuck at a certain income level, unable to ever generate real wealth. 

Not you though. 😏

Because we’re sharing how to crack the code to make REAL money with you today!

We’re all taught pretty much one way to be financially successful…

Get a good job, work hard, and earn a steady paycheck. 

Sounds simple enough, but what does that actually get you? 

👉 An income that’s tied to your time, aaaand a pretty low financial plateau. 😣

Well, friend. It’s time to break free of the “normal” way of doing things, okay?

Today we’re sharing how to level up your wealth growth by making millionaire-inspired money moves! 👏

We know what it’s like to try your hardest and STILL feel stuck.

But the secret is, you can actually do less and make soooo much more. 🤩

Next stop for you… millionaire status.

Here’s to busting through your paycheck plateau by making millionaire moves. 🥂

Palmy ➕ Nancy

The Kitti Sisters


  • Did you know only about 1% of the global population are millionaires, leaving 99% never reaching that milestone? 👀
  • If you’re aiming to join the exclusive 1% club, you’ll need to break from the norm. Though it might seem daunting, it’s more achievable than you think. 😏😏
  • This is precisely what we, the Kitti Sisters, have achieved across three different ventures.
  • From fashion to real estate, we grew a multifamily business from zero to a portfolio worth over $300 million in just 5.5 years, without any trust fund or wealthy connections.
  • We’re ready to share the strategies that fueled our success. Discover how speed, not just amount, plays a crucial role in wealth accumulation.


Did you know that only about 1% of the global population are millionaires? This means 99% of people go their entire lives without ever hitting that million-dollar mark. If you want to join the 1% club, you need to do something different from nearly everyone else. It might sound daunting, but it’s easier than you think.

And that’s exactly what we, the Kitti Sisters, have done across three different businesses. We kicked off each venture from ground zero—no insider info, no shortcuts. We hustled our way through the fashion industry, flipped single-family houses, and scaled a multifamily apartment business into a 9-figure enterprise.

In fact, our multifamily business, which we started from scratch 5-1/2 years ago, went from $0 to a portfolio of apartments worth over $300 million. We didn’t have a trust fund or any wealthy connections to rely on. We achieved this because we understand the exact concepts we’re about to share with you.

Before we get there, it’s important to grasp what wealth really means. Let’s start with a simple question: If you earned a million dollars are you rich?

Well, the answer is it depends. 

Imagine it took you 40 years to make that million dollars.  That works out to just $25,000 a year, which is actually below the poverty line in the US, so that’s not very impressive.

Now, what if you made that same million in 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, or even just one month? That changes things significantly!   

You see, wealth accumulation isn’t just about how much you earn—it’s about how fast you can earn it. In other words, wealth has a need for speed!

The next principle you must understand is that there are four levels of wealth ascension.

Level 1: The Grind – This is the bottom rung. 

The Grind is the lowest level of wealth ascension.  Think about it: if you’re making money at this level, you’re pulling in anywhere from minimum wage up to about $80,000 a year. But why is it so hard to break past that ceiling here? Simple. You’re trading your physical effort—your muscle power—for cash. Hours for dollars. Let’s say you’re a construction worker or a mechanic; you know the deal. 

Just the other day, Nan and I passed a construction site near our place. These guys were manually hauling every single block to erect a massive retaining wall. Picture this: a wall 100 feet wide and 20 feet high. That’s not just hard work; that’s the epitome of grinding. You’re literally putting your back into your paycheck. That’s the Grind—raw, real, and as direct as it gets.

There’s a very very low ceiling on the lowest level of wealth ascension.  Recently we walked by a construction project closer to home and then Nan turned to me and said wow they’re lifting every cylinder block one by one to build out this massive retaining wall– think like 100 ft wide and probably 20 ft tall, now that is brute force labor and it’s most quintessential form.

These construction workers or people in jobs like this are doing physical and repetitive work. It’s tough, exhausting, and doesn’t pay well, usually between $30,000 and $50,000 a year, because there are many people who can do these kinds of jobs.

The next level is Level 2:  The Management or as we like to call it – The Middle.

This is where you start seeing bigger numbers in your bank account. We’re talking anywhere from $40K to a solid $250K a year. Why the jump? Because you’re playing a different game now. You’re leveraging not just your skills, but your ability to manage teams, to multiply your impact.

Think about it. Managing a Del Taco? You’re on the lower end of that scale. But running operations at Amazon? That’s when you hit the upper limits. $250K a year sure beats flipping burgers for minimum wage, right? But here’s the thing—this level has its own traps. There’s a certain stickiness to it. You’re better off, but not truly free.

So, how do you smash through this glass ceiling? How do we level up from here? It’s all about breaking into the next level, where the real magic happens.

Managers and supervisors do more than just the hands-on work; they also give directions and manage things.  They help carry out someone else’s plans, which leads to better pay, usually starting at $60,000.  They’re essential for operational success but still not the big earners.

On this level, Level 3:  Influence, or as we like to call it The Persuaders.

This is where the game really heats up. Picture this: on the low end, you’re pulling in a cool $100K a year. But on the high end? We’re talking up to $100 million. That’s the power of influence.

Let’s break it down. Maybe you start off selling cars, raking in $300K a year—not bad, right? But if you master the art of influence, if you become a communication wizard like the A-listers in Hollywood, that’s where you hit jackpot territory. We’re talking $100 million.

This is about becoming more than just wealthy. It’s about becoming influential, powerful. It’s about turning your words and charisma into cold

People in roles like influencers, salespeople, and marketers are great at ‘persuading’ others. They understand customer needs and craft compelling messages. These roles require top-notch communication skills and pay significantly more—think $200,000+. They have the power to help people make decisions you already desire to make for their own reasons.

The last level, Level 4:  Creativity, also known as The Innovators. 

At this level, you’re not just using your mind; you’re using your money to make even more money. We’re talking serious wealth here—the starting line is at $1 million, but the potential? It stretches into the trillions.

So, since you get to decide where you make money, it only makes sense to decide to create monumental wealth that leaps above level 1 and level 2 of wealth ascension.  

In fact below level 3 and level 4 of wealth ascension, you can create wealth, but you’ve got to invest your way to wealth.  Even if you are making $250K, you take a chunk of that cash, invest it, and let your creative strategies take the wheel.  Are you getting the picture?

Many find themselves stuck in jobs that require muscle more than mind. Let’s shift that. You’re hired for a Level 1 role, but by unleashing your influence and creativity, you can climb the ranks right where you are.

Let’s look at a real example. Marques Brownlee, also known as MKBHD, began reviewing gadgets on YouTube when he was just a teenager. He didn’t make these products; instead, he reviewed them and shared his opinions. His creative way of doing this turned him into a multi-millionaire.

Let’s take a look at Mr. Beast, also known as Jimmy Donaldson, made around $82 million from his YouTube channels, his Feastable snack bars, and his extensive line of merchandise.

Another example is Alicia Shaffer, who started an online business called ThreeBirdNest on Etsy, selling handmade accessories.  Her creativity and quality products gained popularity, turning her passion into a profitable business.

The top tier is all about creativity. Entrepreneurs, inventors, and artists who think outside the box and create new products, services, or even markets. This level isn’t just for tech geniuses or PhDs; it includes authors, YouTubers, and Etsy sellers. Their earnings can be astronomical because they bring unique value. 

The possibilities are endless at this level, another great example, Mr. Beast aka Jimmy Donaldson earned approximately $82 million from his YouTube channels, his feastable snack bars, and his expansive merchandise line.  

This top tier is all about creativity. Entrepreneurs, inventors, and artists who think outside the box and create new products, services, or even markets. This level isn’t just for tech geniuses or PhDs; it includes authors, YouTubers, and Etsy sellers. Their earnings can be astronomical because they bring unique value.

Now that you get the four levels of wealth ascension, figure out where you are. Manager level? Influence level? Wherever it is, identify it and look at what those a level above you are doing.

So, who’s up for a real-life Cinderella story of wealth ascension? 

Enter: Kim Kardashian.

Believe it or not, Kim K started her career as a closet organizer. Yes, she was knee-deep in dirty jeans, boots, and purses, organizing the chaos of her wealthy friends’ wardrobes.

Then, she began popping up alongside her gal pal Paris Hilton on reality TV. She wasn’t the star yet, but she moved up from closet whisperer to reality show sidekick.

Next came “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” and Kim’s influence skyrocketed. 

Fast-forward to today, Kim K’s got her own private equity fund and billionaire status. She’s all about the “who,” not the “how,” managing her Skims clothing brand and SKKN by Kim makeup line. Talk about a glow-up!

Here’s the ninja tip: don’t reinvent the wheel. Find out what high achievers are doing and copy it. This way, you’ll save stress and see better results.

And this is something that will give you a lot of peace of mind.  What you lack in skills you can make up in leverage.  What do we mean by this?  Well, this wealth game can speed up for you if you understand that it’s not about what, where, when, and how, but it’s all about who.  

Who can you leverage, in terms of insights, knowledge, skills, time, tools, connections, etc?  When we got into the multifamily apartment business with 0 skills and 0 connections, we had to seek out who could help pull us up.  Once we’ve identified those “who” then obsessed about solving problems or gaps they may have in their business.  

And then we tried to be the solution to their problems, filling in the gap.  So take time and do this exercise thoroughly.

Okay, now let’s break down the income game into two major leagues: Active vs. Passive Income. To stack serious cash, you’ve got to play both fields.

Active Income: This is your hustle money. It’s the cash you earn from grinding it out on YouTube with product reviews, crafting and selling on Etsy, or banging out novels. This kind of income needs your direct input—your energy, your time, your creativity. It’s key for building wealth fast. You gotta focus here first to stack your initial wealth because it’s all about your effort paying off directly and quickly.

Back when we were crushing it in the fashion industry, active income was our jam. We pulled in millions. But here’s the kicker: we had no fallback. When our fashion empire crumbled overnight, we were left hanging. That brutal lesson taught us the harsh truth—nothing is guaranteed. That booming Etsy store, YouTube channel, or fashion gig? It might not always be gold.

From that, we learned to safeguard our future. Now, we pour energy into Multifamily apartments. This is our passive income play—it keeps the cash flowing for us and our investors, no matter what happens. Trust me, having this kind of backup plan isn’t just smart; it’s essential.

Now, let’s talk about Passive Income: This kind of income is our favorite – it grows on its own, like real estate investments or dividend stocks. It’s crucial for locking down your financial security. You want to get to a place where your money is doing the heavy lifting, multiplying your earnings without you having to grind day in and day out. Over time, you’ll want your passive income to outpace the active because that’s your financial safety net—it keeps you secure when you’re not in the trenches.

Next up on your quest for your millionaire status.

Embrace Obstacles, Avoid Excuses: Every obstacle is your opportunity to flex your creativity muscles. Excuses are just the easy way out—they lead straight to failure. Train your brain to see problems as potential wins.

Continuous Learning: Never stop improving. Wealth can vanish as quickly as it comes, so keep refining your skills and knowledge. Always be on the lookout for new information, trends, and strategies to stay ahead of the curve.

Master the Wealth Creation Game: Reality check—traditional schooling sets you up for entry-level wealth, but it won’t make you rich. To scale those heights, you’ve got to chase down knowledge and skills that aren’t found in textbooks.

Model Success: Don’t reinvent the wheel. Look at what successful people are doing and model their strategies. Success leaves clues, so be observant and learn from those who have achieved what you aspire to.

Now that you learn how to become a millionaire, go watch this video on How to get so rich using other people’s money!

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We're Palmy ➕ Nancy Kitti 〰️ The Kitti Sisters

A sister duo team obsessed with all things financial freedom, passive income, and apartment investing + apartment syndication, who turned a $2,000 bank account into a nine-figure empire.  Now, we're sharing with you the behind-the-scenes secrets of our wealth building strategy.

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