How We Went From Zero to Millionaires (4 Steps)

How We Went From Zero to Millionaires (4 Steps) | The Kitti Sisters - 3

EP270: How We Went From Zero to Millionaires (4 Steps)


We think we’ve found the easiest path to millions — one that’s different from anything our parents ever taught us about getting rich.

And guess what?

Their way? It won’t work today.

We wouldn’t be here if we did it our parents’ way (sorry, mom and dad). 

Our way does not require an MBA or a finance background, and definitely, you don’t need to be a trust fund baby—yet we’re making millions and managing a $300 million multifamily portfolio.

Today, we’re breaking down the 4 steps of the money-making game.

Even if you’re not ready right now, by the end of this video, you’ll know exactly how to go from zero to millions—and trust us, you don’t want to miss the last step!

Palm, in breaking down these four steps, let me first ask you this.  

What did our parents teach us about owning a business? 


They were in fashion, which is why we ended up in fashion too. In fact, we were working *for them*. And then, thankfully—due to one unfortunate event—we got fired.

That’s how our real entrepreneurial journey began.

Q:  The biggest lesson our parents taught us?

That making money takes “effort” and hard work. They believed you’ve gotta trade time for money.

Not that we had any issue with that, but let’s be real—there’s “busy” work and then there’s *smart* work. But the thing that they got wrong is they conflated business with busyness.

Recently, I heard Daniel Priestly talk about “doubling speed.”

It’s what we call compound momentum. Every pattern of behavior has a doubling speed attached to it.

It applies to everything, but in the context of wealth,  it’s how fast your wealth can double.

The goal is to increase the speed at which your doubling happens.

Busyness is the slowest way to doubling.

Doing it the busyness way is pointless. Some people spend a lifetime and never even double their wealth or earning once.

What we realized is that the only way to truly double your results is to stop being the only asset and start owning assets—like income-producing ones (our bread & butter is multifamily).


Because you’re no longer just earning in one way. You’ve got assets working for you, and that’s when you really start seeing results.  And to me that’s the faster and smarter.

Q:  What do you think is money?

Growing up alot of people have developed a poor relationship with money.

Some people are even taught that money is the root of all evil right?

But, money isn’t good nor bad, it’s just a store of value.

For us, we view it as a means to an end.

Rich people are willing to give up a lot of money to buy back their time; while poor people are willing to trade a lot of time for a little bit of money.

In today’s world, real freedom comes from financial freedom. If you understand money, you can get more of it, and with that comes the ability to control your time. 

Because “Income follows assets.”  

For example, I just posted this on X.

On one of our multifamily properties, we have a $40+ million dollar loan. I know it sounds like a lot and it is.  And each month our mortgage payment is over $200K.

That’s more than what 88% of the country earns in a year and we are paying that in a month, but when I say “we are paying,” our “we” are our tenants–who love living there.

That’s how you increase the velocity or the speed at which your wealth doubles.

Take Action 

Q:  What do you think about average?

I love Codie’s quote: “The average American dies overweight, alone, and broke.”

It’s a harsh truth, but also a wake-up call to aim for extraordinary. 

Most people settle for average because they think it’s the easiest route, the path of least resistance.

What they don’t realize is that everyone else is thinking the same, which makes the competition fierce. Ironically, being average is actually harder because you’re fighting for scraps with the masses. 

But when you aim for extraordinary, you open yourself up to far greater possibilities. 

Once you rise above average, you’ll notice less competition at the top.

That’s where your chances of success skyrocket. 

As Ben Hardy says, “The road to hell is paved with the pursuit of volume. Volume leads to marginal products, marginal customers, and increased complexity. Hard work leads to lower returns. It’s not the amount of time that should worry us, but the tendency to spend it on low-quality activities.”

This is exactly what happens when you chase average. 

You waste time on things that produce low-quality outcomes. But when you pursue extraordinary, you focus on what truly matters—and it almost always involves *less* work.

When we say investing in multifamily was the best decision we ever made, it’s because it allowed us to break free from being average. 

Multifamily investing isn’t easy, but it’s simple. 

You can stay in the average lane by buying rundown, C-Class properties.

But if you want extraordinary results, you can 10X or even 100X your success by shifting to A-Class properties. 

When we made that shift, our net worth and income exploded.

And we didn’t work a1000x harder. We just recognized that we deserved to play at a higher level—and extraordinary results followed.


The power of who not how…

A lot of times people set their goals quite low, and this is because they feel a sense of overwhelm thinking of what it would take to achieve those hairy audacious goals just seems insurmountable.

And they are right, if they aim to do it by themselves I would agree, aim low, and stay average as we spoke about earlier.

The key to achieving extraordinary results is you have to set up impossible goals.  

And the way to overcome the impossible is to set up conditions that would make the impossible possible.

What was the biggest shift for us was when we figured that it’s all about *who* not *how*. 

Your first million will come so much easier if you know the right “who”—and more importantly, if the right “who” knows *you*!

Here’s a story I love sharing every time—it’s pretty incredible.

We were at an event in Cabo, Mexico, when I got a text from our broker saying, “I need your updated resume.” That’s it—no other details. 

A couple hours later he said you’re making a blind offer on a 190+ unit apartment.

Naturally, I asked, “Where’s the property? What’s the price? What’s the financials?”

Our broker simply said, “You’ll be the only offer—this is a true off-market deal.” 

And I turned to you and said hey can you take a look at our resume.

Now, this was a time when competition was fierce—most deals had 20 to 30 offers. 

But we were the only offer on this one. Turns out, the seller was actually a good friend of ours, and having the “Kitti Sisters” name on the Letter of Intent (LOI) made all the difference. 

A couple of weeks later, at a dinner party we didn’t even attend, peers found out we got the deal and, let’s just say, we got some envious looks.

The seller simply told them “This is a buddies deal, and I’m doing it with the Kitti Sisters.”

Because the seller knew us, fast forward 27 months, we exited and sold that property for over $20 million. 


Let’s talk about the two ways to make money…

You either use your time to make money or you use your money to make money.

Most people focus on the first one—getting good at earning.

We were the same, starting in fashion, flipping single-family homes, and eventually moving into syndicating and owning multifamily apartments.

Now, we’re working on ground-up development.

Here’s what your parents will tell you: get a 401K, put money in CDs, and let it sit until you retire.

At 65, you can travel the world with your retirement fund. But for 51% of American adults, that’s just not reality—they can’t afford to retire.

The real way?

Invest the money you earn actively and let it work for you. Start creating assets early on, be smart about it, and understand leverage.

Multifamily Apartments are one of the simplest ways for an average person to become a millionaire.

You don’t need specialized skills like coding or complex engineering. The model is simple: buy an apartment at the right price, stack your capital correctly, increase INCOMES, and decrease expenses. 

Your first million will come much faster than owning single-family homes one at a time. If you don’t know how to code, that’s great—you can still make it.

Successful investors leverage other people’s money to buy businesses and real estate.  They’re buying into profits, not starting from scratch. 

Investing in existing businesses or assets means you’re purchasing proven income streams.

That’s how you go from zero to millions—effortlessly.

If you want to get rich without any hard work, hit up this next video. 

We’ll show you a smarter, faster way to build true wealth!

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We're Palmy ➕ Nancy Kitti 〰️ The Kitti Sisters

A sister duo team obsessed with all things financial freedom, passive income, and apartment investing + apartment syndication, who turned a $2,000 bank account into a nine-figure empire.  Now, we're sharing with you the behind-the-scenes secrets of our wealth building strategy.

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