021: Your Financial Goal-Mine
Hello and welcome back Cashflow Multipliers! Today, we’re talking about goals.
Not just any type of goal, financial goals. 💲✅ Now, for some of you, goal planning is totally your language. You’ve got your color-coded highlighter key, the hottest new planner with every kind of insert you can imagine, and if anyone so much as even mentions a mood board, it’s an instant serotonin boost for you.
And for others of you, this is definitely your own personal nightmare. You’re our big dreamers, go-with-the-flow, and “what’s the vibe?” type. Your friends love the energy you bring to any hang out, they just probably won’t ask you to plan it.
Wherever you fall on the spectrum, we all can unite on one thing: We all have dreams. ☁️
And financial goal setting is vital to achieving the big vision dreams you have for yourself. Maybe that’s finally being able to take your whole family on a luxury vacation or go back to school without having to worry about loans or getting into debt.
These dreams and desires you have are only achievable if you have the financial capacity to make them happen. And having that capacity means creating a roadmap of how you’ll get there—hence why we’re a little more into mood boards than we’d like to admit.
But even in goal planning, there is strategy. The right type of goals will help you track the progress you make towards your big vision. If you don’t have goals, you won’t know what to track. And let us tell you, when you start achieving these goals nothing can compare to that feeling. We’ve never scored a winning goal at a national championship but, if it’s anything like achieving a financial milestone, we’ve come pretty close.
You can set new financial goals at any time and for any reason. You just need to have drive to accomplish the goals you set.
Start thinking of us as your passengers on a road trip. Destination? Chateau Goal in the country of Finánce. 😉😉
Hey, maybe Europe is a part of that big vision you have! We’ve got the killer playlist and the healthy yet indulgent snacks ready to go, so let’s hit the road about exactly how to set financial goals the right way.
Road Rules: Measurable, Realistic and Written Down
The first thing to consider is: are your goals measurable? Measurable goals will help you define what you want to achieve, by when and what you need to do each week or month to reach your goal.
Maybe you catch yourself spending a little too much in one area of your finances, can you cut back and create some wiggle room to achieve these goals a little faster?
The secret here is to make yourself the hero. By that we mean, we want to see you win! So don’t create unachievable odds for yourself, you have to be realistic. Yes, your goals should be challenging and outside your comfort zone, but no, they should not be ridiculous or unattainable.
Like if investing $50,000 is your target, try pushing it to $75,000. 😵😵
The most important step to all of this might also seem like the most basic, but that’s writing down your goals. Getting out the ol’ pen and paper and literally writing down what you want to accomplish. We’re not saying anything magical happens when you start putting your goals to paper, but there’s something about seeing your goals in writing that brings them to life.
And don’t be afraid to get specific! Writing “Save $10,000 by April 1, 2022 to start investing into real estate” is what many people call manifesting and what we’re calling a great starting point.
Let’s Review the Map
Once you set your goals, it’s time to break down each goal. Let’s say your goal is to save an extra $25,000 over the next 12 months. It could be money for an investment, help you pay for expenses, or fund your lifestyle.
And for some of us, this is just our budget for our daily boba run.
Whatever it is, you’ll need to save $2,083 each month. If your dad was anything like ours, you might have heard the infamous phrase, “money doesn’t grow on 🌳trees,” so you’re going to have to get that money from somewhere. In order to actually accomplish this goal, you’ll need to fit it into your budget. Calculate where to cut back, think of ways to possibly increase your income (spoiler alert: it’s through investing) and make consistent deposits to maximize your results.
Taking these steps will add massive value towards your $25,000 in extra savings making your total annual income goal $75,000. So how do you actually DO IT?
Better daily habits. Here are some examples of what we mean 🔽
- Making a savings deposit
- Setting up automatic transfers
- Reading a financial book
- Checking in on your accountability partner
- Growing your money via real estate investment
Now, this doesn’t need to be the same thing every day, but doing one thing over time will lead you directly to your goals even if you experience setbacks.
Pit Stop: Goals Don’t Need to Be Hard
Often when we sit down with people and discuss their financial goals, many people have given up before they’ve even had a chance to make progress. And we get it, accomplishing your goals is often easier said than done.
But, you don’t have to make things harder on yourself. Setting yourself up to succeed is the secret sauce to obtaining your financial goals, and the sauce is made by doing the following 〰️
Focus on your schedule of actions, not a deadline.
Where are our citizens of Procrastin-Nation at? Yep. We see you, and even more so, identify with you! Sometimes focusing on a deadline can make it seem like what you want to accomplish financially is so far away that you have “plenty of time” to get things done “later.”
Then, before you know it, it’s so close it feels too late to do anything! Cue the stress.
When you break your financial goals down in chunks and track daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly you are more likely to do what’s required to accomplish your goals as a result of your consistent actions.
It’s almost like consistent actions lead to better overall habits and healthier living.
Focus on the actions and not the performance‼️
For some of you, you live for the spotlight. Performance and perfection is everything. Take center-stage? Say less. You’re already there. Entertain the masses with your wit and charm? Psssh, sitcom writers take their material from you.
Unfortunately, when it comes to your finances, performance means very little, whereas action is everything. Your performance may not always be perfect, but the actions you take consistently (like making investments, paying off your credit card and student loan debt) will help you improve your overall performance.
The right actions will lead to the right results.
Fueling Up: Financial Goal Setting Worksheet
You didn’t think we were going to leave you hanging did you? Talk all this big talk about goal setting and then leave you to fend for yourselves? Heck no!
Now that you’re about to take control of your finances like the incredible badass person you are, let the Kitti Financial Goal Setting worksheet help you get started.
Hey, you’re the one in the driver seat, we’re just providing the entertainment. 🍿🎥
Don’t Sleep At the Wheel: How to Stay Motivated When Working Toward Your Financial Goals
Like anything you’re working towards, there comes a time when you feel, well, not so motivated.
Like keeping a New Year’s Resolution the third week in January. 😝😝
So how do you stay motivated to reach your financial goals while time passes?
Create a Reward System for Yourself
Congratulations! You defined your goals, and you’re working hard to achieve them. Maybe a little too hard and you’ve fallen into the trap of excessively working to get there that you’ve forgon other activities, like sleep or social activities.
Then once you reach that goal, you over-indulge in shopping and eating out. And then the cycle repeats itself all over again.
Don’t get stuck in that trap! This is an easy cycle to get stuck in and at the end of it, you just feel burnt out and ready to overindulge again. The secret here is to aim for steady change a little at a time with rewards built-in rather than radically overhauling your entire life.
Treat yourself to the small wins when you achieve them. Like a spa day or lunch at 🍣 Nobu with good friends, whatever it is…
Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People
You know the phrase, “you are who you hang out with,” and that could not be more true with the people you surround yourself with to achieve financial goals. You want to surround yourself with people who will keep you accountable and keep you motivated.
A great place to seek out like-minded people is, we don’t know…maybe right here with us?!
Another great place is in the Kitti Freedom Club, a passive income investors club for like-minded people like you who are trying to escape the 9-5. Don’t worry, we’ll be there too, answering all your questions and providing support. We know the hardest part is just getting started, which brings us to our last tip…
Start Small
We’ve all heard of the snowball effect. As you start thinking of your financial goals, consider how you can set them up so you can reap the motivational benefit of achieving those small wins.
You’ve Arrived: Goal Chateau
If you’ve learned anything today, we hope it’s this: you can absolutely do this. Don’t let the lie that money, finances and investing is for other people who graduated with finance degrees or who are more educated. You’re capable and you can do this. 💪
Setting your financial goals the right way and going after them is your opportunity to achieve your wildest dream, blow your expectations out the water, and make real progress towards your overall financial success.
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