Early retirement is a big-time financial buzzword, and it’s also a big-time goal for a lot of people. ✌️
But, like, what if you don’t really understand what it actually means?
What if you LIKE your job, and don’t really see the point in retiring at 35? 🤔
What if you’re only 25? Isn’t it ridiculous to think about retiring? What will people say?
These are all super valid questions, and ones we get a lot — because the whole idea of retirement is one that has been so governmentalized, compartmentalized, and idealized that it’s really hard to know what the heck early retirement even means…
But, as always, we have you covered with real advice that you can take with you wherever you do — early retirement edition.
How retirement (usually) works
For most people, retirement goes one of two ways: you save, save, save a nest egg (? and enroll in work-sponsored retirement plans, like 401(k)’s or pension plans), or you save what you can and take out Social Security. Then, you quit your job around age 65 or so, and live your life — what’s left of it, that is, which is hopefully 20-30 years.
In the United States, the average age of retirement is in the mid-sixties — and so-called “full retirement” re: Social Security is right around ages 67-70. Plus, the government likes the idea of you working.
For those relying on their Social Security checks, postponing Social Security until the age of 70 actually gets people a 32% larger benefit.
To put it into perspective, the average life expectancy in the United States is 78.54 years.
Oof. 😲
This whole idea of retirement is new, too. Back in the day (read: our grandparents 👩🦳️👴 and their parents), people worked until they died.
They clocked in until their bodies literally gave out on them, and it wasn’t until the Social Security Act of 1935 until retirement even really came about as a school of thought… but, to rub more salt in the wound, Social Security wasn’t necessarily designed to provide full retirement benefits.
After all, the average Social Security check in the U.S. is just about $1,450. ?
See, that’s an awful lot of work for a pretty little return, huh? It’s part of the reason why we do what we do — help people reach financial independence a LOT earlier — and it’s also a big reason why so many people are obsessed with two words: early. retirement.
So… what’s early retirement?
To put it simply, early retirement is exactly what it sounds like.
It’s retiring early.
But, we like to think of it as more than that. We think of it as living life on your own terms, with no financial stress required.
For some people, that early retirement really does mean quitting their jobs to move to Bora Bora 😉, while for some it means starting a new business or dabbling in a new industry with no pressure.
Heck, for some people early retirement just means that they can keep working (if they want!) with the knowledge that they could quit their jobs tomorrow and be perfectly fine.
Early retirement is an opportunity. 🤩
So, while the *technical* definition of retiring early might mean retiring pre-60’s, let’s flip that on its head — and look at early retirement as the ultimate culmination of your financial freedom, regardless of what you decide to do with it.
The most important thing about early retirement? It’s there if you want it, and you have the opportunity to take chances or not to take them.
How to retire early
If you’re pretty dang intrigued by the idea of early retirement, you’re not alone — by a long shot. The ability to live freely because you’re financially able to is a HUGE privilege, and if you can crack the puzzle that’ll get you there, you’re further than a lot of people ever can be.
However, we really do think that everyone can retire early if they use the right strategies and build up the right portfolio to get themselves there.
How you ask? Passive. Income.
Here’s why 〰️ the idea of early retirement scares a lot of people (and seems super unattainable) because we have this idea in our heads that to retire early means to have a huge nest egg to fall back on.
That’s not true. Instead, if you have passive income streams that are covering all of your expenses each month, you have reached financial freedom — and you can retire whenever the heck you want to.
The truth? That if you can unlock passive income streams, you can retire NOW. ☺️
Literally. Now. And, you’re in the right place. By partnering with us to invest in multifamily apartment syndication, you can literally start making money while you sleep.
Curious? Find out more here.
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